Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tours, elderly & manta rays

Tours & tours, and not of beautiful architectural or historical sites. The tours are of schools and programs of nursing. Several days with very interesting experiences and seeing many differences between private and state funded educational facilities. Nursing programs here work from a recommended national curriculum that is similar to the US. Schools however, offer midwifery at the basic level and the diploma of nursing is still offered as well as a bachelor of science in nursing. Faculties everywhere are interested in obtaining post graduate and eventually doctoral degrees, but educational facilities here are limited at this level. The Indonesian government is starting a push for academics to study abroad to obtain advanced degrees. Each faculty member I met voiced an interest in studying in the US. In each of the programs I visited, a course titled Health Tourism was offered. This is the course that acknowledges and addresses cultural differences in a health setting. In discussion, it is an area recognized as needed in the curriculum, but not fully developed. Today I am scheduled to meet with the director of a Dutch organization, with a focus on developmental disabilities. Additionally, even on holiday, I am in my usual state of "overextension". I was asked and agreed to do a 3 hour program on Saturday by Dr.(who is now in Europe)with a presentation on health promotion for thre elderly. I was not so worried until saw flyers posted on my tours and I understand now the venue has been changed to handle more people. Omg, why didn't I bring my laptop!?! Now I am making offerings to the Gods on Bali like the rest of the Balinese... help! Mr. Jhon (as he is still so kindly called), had an exciting day yesterday. On his 13th dive here, he spotted a huge (10-15 foot across) manta ray! He said it swam up close enough for him to touch ( which of course he did not), with his mouth(2-3 feet wide) open. He said it was so beautiful and graceful. No worries, they eat Protozoa not people and do not have stingers!

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