Friday, October 4, 2013

Russian Revenge-funny tummy

I was struck early Thursday just ready to leave for work.  I was dressed and became ill so quickly that I laid back down fully dressed in bed thinking it would pass...
After contacting my supervisor that I would be unable to lecture, I undressed and crashed.  Within the hour, John was feeling the same.  He took the couch in one room, me in bed in the other.  We moaned and groaned all day and night.  Multiple trips to the bathroom, nothing would stay down. We are up and around today, but still "iffy".

We contribute the diagnosis to some ground beef/lettuce/tomatoes (???) that I pulled together to make tacos the night before.  It seemed like such a good idea and they were enjoyable at the time.  We had purchased our first "unpackaged" meat and maybe it was that or the lettuce/tomatoes, who knows...whatever it was, it did a number on us.

The temperatures have plummeted here in Ufa.  It was 1 degrees C today (around 34 F) and we see snowflakes now and then.  The past few days have been gray but dry.

We must leave the apartment today to pick up supplies.   Yesterday we discussed "flipping a coin" to see who would have to make the trip out to buy more toilet paper if we ran short- but were spared.

Sunny Florida is sounding pretty good to us about now in our compromised state on a dreary cold day...I realize why we call it home.

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