Wednesday, October 2, 2013

One down, one to go

My first teaching cohort  finished today. They were such an enjoyable group of young people and so bright. I have no doubt that the Russian health service will benefit from their good work in the future.  A designated student came to the stage at the end of class and presented me with a framed picture of us in our lab coats taken last week. They then stood and clapped in unison, what a very thoughtful and humbling gesture.  One down, one to go...I start the next cohort tomorrow.
The next assignment will be abbreviated as we fly to Kazan on Wednesday for 2 days and then take the overnight train in to Moscow for several more days before flying back to Ufa the following Wednesday.  Shortly after return,  a new project focused on public health begins.

While I am away, John continues to keep busy with various activities.  First off, the apartment has been upgraded by his domestic-engineering skills.  With a borrowed wrench, a purchased screw driver and super-glue, he has fixed everything that was broken.  The baseboards have been replaced in the bathroom, the kitchen/bath faucets have been removed & cleaned, the kitchen chair seat tightened, the toilet seat lid flipped (the screws were put in upside down), and the TV repaired.

The weather continues to get colder.  The mornings still often bring rain, but clear and sunny afternoons.  We think we saw sleet as we were walking home late from dinner last night (the same restaurant where they handed us the phone to order before...same thing last night, lol!)
Let me clarify, the weather feels cold to us...the Russians consider this "jacket weather". While I am now wearing a ski hat when out, men are out in black leather jackets with black leather or wool hats. Mostly berets or "working hats" that are black wool flat billed baseball looking hats.  The women on the other hand, still dressed to the nines...have brought out the black boots in all possible styles and have graduated to fur.  Not full fur coats, just fur vests so far.  These vests are quite beautiful, stylish and interesting made from different animals... in a "Wilma Flintstone" kinda way...   


  1. John will have all of Ufa "fixed" before leaving Russia! I am sure the students appreciate having you as their professor. Enjoy Moscow!

  2. If you need public health info just email me and I can send files from course. MJ
